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Sonic Academy Ableton Live 10 Simpler with P-LASK TUTORiAL


Ableton guru and certified trainer P-LASK is back with us once again this week and this time he's taking an in-depth look at how to use the super useful 'Simpler' plugin that's included with all versions of Ableton Live.

Even though it's called 'Simpler' there's a lot to get out of this sampler, from dragging in one-shots and manipulating them to slicing up drum loops to create entirely new beats.

P-LASK's easy-to-follow course will take you through all the available controls and show just how easy it is to design and craft your own unique and professional sounds from unlikely sources, all from solely using Ableton with no third-party plugins needed!

Whatever your ability this is a must for all Ableton users out there. Check it out!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 425 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Sonic, Academy, tutorial, P-LASK, with, 10, live, Ableton, simpler | Rating: 0.0/0
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