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Sonic Academy Ableton Push 2 with P-LASK TUTORiAL

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Recently got yourself a Push 2 or thinking of getting one? Well, we've got you covered with an all-new course as we welcome back Certified Ableton Instructor P-LASK for a detailed look at how to get to grips with this awesome piece of hardware.

From setting up your Push 2 for the first time to programming drums and melodies P-LASK shows us the different layouts and options available when navigating around the Push 2. We check out how the note and scale system works along with the step sequencer, how to slice audio, automating parameters, creating scenes and arrangement.

This easy-to-follow course will get you up and running in no time so you can unleash your Push 2's creative potential, and whether you're producing or playing out live this is one all Push 2 users should check out!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 512 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: P-LASK, Push, with, tutorial, Sonic, Academy, Ableton | Rating: 0.0/0
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