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Home » Tutorial » Sonic Academy How To Use Ableton Live 10 Echo with Bluffmunkey TUTORiAL
Sonic Academy How To Use Ableton Live 10 Echo with Bluffmunkey TUTORiAL

Team SYNTHiC4TE | 708.39 MB
Links update: 07/12/2021

This week we welcome back Bluffmunkey for an in-depth look at another of Ableton Live 10's new plugins - Echo.

This one isn't just a simple delay plugin, and Ableton has certainly gone to town in creating a rival that can hold it's own against third-party plugins.

Over these two videos, Bluffmunkey firstly runs through each of the controls demonstrating how Echo can not only create simple rhythmic delays, but also how you can manipulate how those delays actually behave, merging analog and digital sounds and giving you further options by adding reverb, distortion, filtering, and modulation into the mix.

In the second video, we look at using Echo as a tool for sound design in two real-world examples, producing a techno bassline from a kick, and then using it to enhance a psy-trance loop by automating some of the parameters.

Hours of fun can be spent just playing with this plugin alone, and its ability to transform the plain-and-simple into something completely different has certainly become a hit with Ableton users.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 761 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Academy, Echo, tutorial, Sonic, How, use, to, Ableton, live, with, Bluffmunkey, 10 | Rating: 0.0/0
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