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Sonic Academy Ableton 10 First Look with Chymera TUTORiAL

SYNTHiC4TE | Feb 22 2018 | 1.66 GB

This week here at Sonic Academy we're super excited to bring you an exclusive in-depth look at the all new Ableton Live 10 with multi genre Ableton guru and employee, Chymera.

Since the announcement of Live 10 last November, Ableton users have been getting excited about what new features will be included prior to it's full release on 6th February.

Over these 13 videos Brendan takes us through some of the best, and also gives us a real world view of this awesome DAW in use by creating a ethereal ambient track from scratch.

This isn't just an update, Ableton have really pushed the boat out in this new version and have listened to what producers want from their DAW, from speeding up workflow, to really giving you everything you will ever need in one box to create just about any sound/beat/effect you could ever want.

Ableton Live 10 is going to be a sound design and music creator's dream!


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Category: Tutorial | Views: 755 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: 10, Chymera, with, tutorial, Look, First, Ableton, Academy, Sonic | Rating: 0.0/0
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