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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » UNKWN Sounds Punas Unfathomable Sounds (Analog Lab Presets Bank)
UNKWN Sounds Punas Unfathomable Sounds (Analog Lab Presets Bank)

presets, patches, impulses | 13 MB

Punas' first and highly anticipated analog lab bank, "UNFATHOMABLE SOUNDS"

By pushing the sounds forward with interesting textures and modulations by only using the mod wheel.

A different experience in way where it can change the whole timber by making it sound like it was another preset. This gives you the possibility to control your sounds anytime you want and to push your creativity and giving limitless inspiration.

All sounds where meticulously crafted to give you an unique experience with sounds. Containing 60+ sounds and if you put the mod wheel idea to it is more like 100+ sounds.

Hope you enjoy the unfathomable!

Love, Punas

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 126 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Punas, Bank), presets, sounds, Unfathomable, UNKWN, (Analog, lab | Rating: 0.0/0
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