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Home » Sound Libraries » Louis Flynn Supersonic (Analog Lab V Bank)
Louis Flynn Supersonic (Analog Lab V Bank)

presets, patches, impulses | 5 MB

Welcome to SUPERSONIC, the latest release from Louis Flynn.

Included in this bank are sounds from across the Arturia collection of synths, samplers and instruments to expand your sonic repertory.

The bank will be regularly expanded over the next couple of years, and will start to include one shots, drum sounds and effects presets as well as further Arturia presets at no extra charge.

SUPERSONIC is just a peice in a larger puzzle - purchase the bank to find out more...

*bank only compatible with Analog Lab V*

*all presets are for use royalty free*

48 Analog Lab V Presets

•27x Keys
•13x Pads
•5x Basses
•2x Arps
•1x Lead

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 412 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: (Analog, flynn, Louis, lab, Supersonic, Bank) | Rating: 0.0/0
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