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Home » Sound Libraries » IIInfinite West Coast Magic 3 (Analog Lab V Bank)
IIInfinite West Coast Magic 3 (Analog Lab V Bank)

Analog Lab V Bank | 814 MB

This bank includes 70 presets specifically designed to make West Coast beats! This kit includes, synth leads, synth basses, strings, keys, synths, bells, pads, and a guitar.

I also exported all of the presets as one shots so if you don't have analog lab you can still enjoy the kit!

Also, if you don't know how to import analog lab banks I included a video showing how I install banks

•5 - Arps
•9 - Basses
•27 - Keys
•9 - Leads
•11 - Pads
•3 - Strings
•5 - Guitars
•2 - Pianos

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 266 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Bank), lab, Magic, West, (Analog, IIInfinite, Coast | Rating: 0.0/0
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