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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Synth Ctrl - Synth Pop for Xfer Serum
Synth Ctrl - Synth Pop for Xfer Serum

Presets | 2.89 MB

Our Synthpop Serum pack its inspired by the sound of the 80s, in this pack you can expect to find some of the best presets made for this genre from hypnotic vintage pads to captivating arps, with this Serum presets you’ll be able to capture the soul and nostalgia of those Neon-soaked sounds you love from one of the most emblematic decades. So be ready to push boundaries and explore new dystopian futures to make music that defies the test of time.

What's included?
More than 125 Serum Presets

33 Arps Presets
33 Bass Presets
34 Keys Presets
15 Lead Presets
12 Pad Presets
7 Pluck Presets

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 417 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: ctrl, Xfer, Pop, Serum, for, Synth | Rating: 0.0/0
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