Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Tenarc Cries for Help Sample Pack WAV XFER RECORDS SERUM
Tenarc Cries for Help Sample Pack WAV XFER RECORDS SERUM
Samples, loops, presets, patches, impulses | 77 MB
Not for the weak, this sample pack contains some of my signature sounds as well as serum presets, ambience and unholy guns made from the pits of hell.
This pack contains:
•Ambience/ Atmospheres
•Tearout guns and screeches
•Riddim sounds
•Kicks and Claps
•Serum Presets
•Signature sounds made by Tenarc
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Category: Presets, patches, impulses |
Views: 68 |
Added by: DOLBATOR
| Tags: Tenarc , for , pack , Records , Cries , help , Sample , Xfer , Serum , wav
| Rating: 0.0 /0