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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Synth Ctrl Future Pop Pack Xfer Serum Cthulhu Midi
Synth Ctrl Future Pop Pack Xfer Serum Cthulhu Midi

Xfer Serum Cthulhu Midi | 4.60 MB

Our Future Pop Serum preset pack is inspired by the constant evolution of the genre, with this pack you will be able to make tracks similar to "Lost in Japan" by Shawn Mendes or "Break my Heart" by Dua Lipa, two tracks that that are guided by their hypnotic basslines and funky keys.

This pack is bursting with presets that will make your next future pop track stand out, so if you like to blur the lines between genres and make pop anthems infused with electronic grooves this is for you.

What's included?
65 Midi Chord Progressions
More than 100 Serum Presets
7 Bass Presets
25 Chord Presets
18 Key Presets
16 Lead Presets
5 Pad Presets
29 Pluck Presets
Bonus 20 Cthulhu Presets

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 370 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Serum, Synth, midi, pack, Future, Pop, Xfer, ctrl, Cthulhu | Rating: 0.0/0
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