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Home » Tutorial » Sonic Academy How To Use Metric AB with Protoculture TUTORiAL
Sonic Academy How To Use Metric AB with Protoculture TUTORiAL

Team SYNTHiC4TE | 494.19 MB
Links update: 02/07/2023

Sonic Academy proudly welcomes back Psy-Trance heavyweight Nate Raubenheimer aka Protoculture and this week he's checking out how to use ADPTR's Metric AB from Plugin Alliance.

This comprehensive solution for referencing mixes and masters is Nate's 'go-to' plugin and over these two videos we get to see why.

Firstly we check out how to set up our references with the track we're working on and use its vital 'one button' loudness matching facility to match the level of your reference material to your DAW playback and also the comprehensive playback controls allowing playback to be synced to the DAW timeline or playback from cue points or loops.

In the second video we take an in-depth look at the analysis options available which include Spectrum, Correlation, Stereo Image, Dynamics, and Loudness.

With it's clear user interface and various options in how you wish to view the two or more tracks you're referencing, it's easy to see why this plugin can prove invaluable in getting your tracks up to a professional standard before they're released to the world.

A very handy tool and definitely one to add to your arsenal!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 907 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: to, Sonic, Protoculture, Academy, How, with, tutorial, use, Metric, Ab | Rating: 0.0/0
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