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Home » Tutorial » Sonic Academy How To Make 90s Breaks with Protoculture TUTORiAL
Sonic Academy How To Make 90s Breaks with Protoculture TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 4.64 GB

Back with an all-new monster 'How To Make' course, Protoculture's here to create a classic 90's Breaks tune from scratch!

With the recent resurgence in this genre from the likes of Bicep, Trance Wax and Franky Wah, Nate dives headfirst into this style using recognisable breaks and 90's synths to recreate the sound and nailing it with a textbook classic.

Over 3 and half hours you'll get to learn how to build the drums, bass, pads, keys, leads and FX before carrying out a detailed mixdown and master.

Packed full of production tips and techniques this one is not to be missed!

Check it out NOW!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 422 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Breaks, Sonic, How, with, tutorial, 90s, Academy, to, Make, Protoculture | Rating: 0.0/0
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