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Home » Tutorial » Sonic Academy How To Make Epic Nu School Breaks with Protoculture TUTORiAL
Sonic Academy How To Make Epic Nu School Breaks with Protoculture TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 3.59 GB

Strap yourselves in because Nate Raubenheimer - aka Protoculture is back with arguably his biggest 'How To Make' course to date!

Taking influences from classic 90's movies like The Matrix and Spawn, Nate crafts a massive Hybrid Breaks style track from scratch.

Not for the faint-hearted, this course is for the more advanced users out there, and Nate doesn't pull any punches when it comes to the tools and skills used in this huge Cubase project.

Starting with a Native Instruments Maschine hardware controller, we lay down the breaks before diving into Cubase and using extensive orchestral libraries, synths and effects as we build this epic track over 17 videos.

The attention to detail with every element is crucial in achieving this high impact masterpiece which combines huge orchestral ensembles with acid lines, dubstep growls and glitches and the all-important breakbeat.

Teaming with production tips and tricks, we guarantee you'll pick up some new skills whatever ability you're currently at as you watch a master at work.

Check it out!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 331 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: with, Nu, tutorial, Breaks, to, Academy, school, Sonic, Protoculture, Make, How, Epic | Rating: 0.0/0
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