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Home » WiN » Reason RE Haaswerk TrixMate CV Switch v1.0.0
Reason RE Haaswerk TrixMate CV Switch v1.0.0

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The TrixMate CV Switch is made to function as an add-on to the well known 'matrix' pattern sequencer(s). Hook up 4 matrixes and let the randomizer switch their inputs!

- Switch between 4 different inputs
- Adjustable randomizer
- Audio gate channel

The TrixMate can be used several ways but the main function is to select which CV input will be sent through to the main CV output.

How it works:
Note CV: with this turned on TrixMate uses the external CV Note/Gate trigger input. Change in note triggers an input switch based on notes C3-D#3.

Switch: this is the manual knob. With this turned on you can manually decide which input is selected. Switch overrides Note CV.

Randomizer: the randomizer section has 3 modes, and each input has a separate probability and repeat value. These settings combined can make many variations based on the probability setting of each input. The repeats aren't affected by probability and will always occur. Randomizer overrides Switch, but Switch can affect the input selection to in-between trigger notes.

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Category: WiN | Views: 280 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: RE, v1.0.0, Reason, cv, Haaswerk, Switch, TrixMate | Rating: 0.0/0
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