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Home » WiN » Reason RE Haaswerk PSYH Matrix Signal Switch v1.0.0
Reason RE Haaswerk PSYH Matrix Signal Switch v1.0.0

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Psychedelic Haas Matrix Signal Switch is a small and simple device designed to switch the CV input of to different CV outputs. This can be a great tool when you want one particular pattern(i.e. a matrix pattern sequencer) to be chopped up and sended to different devices

- Switch CV input to different output pairs.

PSYH - Matrix Signal Switch:
- 1 input note/gate CV to 16 output note/gate CV's
- 5 Modes: Up, Down, Up-Down, Random, Probability
- NoteSwitch mode (see manual)

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Category: WiN | Views: 304 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Signal, Reason, matrix, v1.0.0, Switch, Haaswerk, PSYH, RE | Rating: 0.0/0
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