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Home » WiN » Reason RE Haaswerk PSYH CV Pulse Stepper v1.0.1
Reason RE Haaswerk PSYH CV Pulse Stepper v1.0.1

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Psychedelic Haas CV Pulse Stepper is another small and simple device similar to the matrix signal switcher but only for CV pulse input. This one is designed to step the output after each pulse input following the mode setting. This makes it a useful tool when you want to send cv pulses to other outputs based on incoming count of cv pulses.(i.e. for sequencing purposes)

- CV Pulse Output Switch

PSYH - CV Pulse Stepper:
- 4 separate cv pulse inputs to step the counter.
- 32 CV Pulse output's
- Length control to set the amount outputs used (length of cycle).
- Mode to set the stepping direction or set it to random.

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Category: WiN | Views: 332 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Pulse, v1.0.1, Reason, Stepper, Haaswerk, cv, RE, PSYH | Rating: 0.0/0
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