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Home » Tutorial » Puremix Vance Powell mixing Lifeboats
Puremix Vance Powell mixing Lifeboats

Tutorial | 6,1GB

In this episode of the Lifeboats Series, Nashville’s treasured engineer, Vance Powell, opens the multitrack for the Lifeboats session and does a start-to-finish mix from hearing the song for the first time through to the final mix sharing his thought process and signature sound each step of the way.

Watch as Vance’s assistant engineer, Mike Fahey:

Sets up the mixing session with Vance’s preferred settings on Pro Tools and the SSL console
Pairs the session down to 32 channels on the SSL console
Cleans up the vocal from sibilance and plosives before Vance starts his mix
Prepares Vance’s wall of outboard gear for him to insert quickly across elements in the session
Calibrates Vance’s parallel outboard chains for proper gain staging
Shares his session prep checklist as a downloadable file

See how Vance Powell:

Sets up the mixing session with Vance’s preferred settings on Pro Tools and the SSL console
Deals with phase issues between the drum mics and bass DI and amp mics to bring the most out of each source
Inserts his Distressors and API 550B eqs on the kick and snare
Dials in the mix track by track with his tried and true plugin and hardware chains
Reamps the snare drum to a speaker laying on a new snare in the live room
Talks about the benefits of having an assistant
Applies his Manley Massive Passive across the piano
Reamps the Guitar DI tracks with the UAD Fender 55 Deluxe Plugin and blends with the guitar amp mics while adjusting phase
Demonstrates his Empirical Labs Fatso, UTA Fairchild, and two Neve 33609 parallel processing chains
Adds drum samples to the toms
Applies his signature parallel processing techniques to the lead vocals
Automates the mix and discusses the workflow on the SSL

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 115 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: PUREMIX, Powell, Mixing, Lifeboats, Vance | Rating: 0.0/0
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