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Home » Tutorial » Puremix Tutorials Andrew Scheps Compression topology
Puremix Tutorials Andrew Scheps Compression topology

Tutorial | 1.34 GB

Have you been wondering about the differences between the types of compressors in your plugin folders? FET, VCA, MU, Optical... these are the types we see, and all have very different characteristics.

In this Puremix exclusive, Andrew Scheps dives into the topology of compressors and explains the uniquities in how each operates and the overall effect on their sonic signature.

See how Andrew Scheps:

Explains the main controls of compressors
Explains how compressors work once the threshold is exceeded
Discusses how feed forward and feed back compressors work
Dissects the difference between the 4 types of compressors
Explains how each of the compressors has unique quirks in their operation
Explains what happens in "all buttons in" mode on an 1176
Runs through each of the compressors on pianos, vocals, drums, and full mixes and gives a detailed explanation of what he is hearing
Demonstrates how you can alter the behavior of a compressor with sidechain EQ
Check out the iZotope Blog Article mentioned in the video here

Join Andrew Scheps and learn the operational and sonic subtleties of each type of compressor.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 96 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: tutorials, Andrew, compression, topology, Scheps, PUREMIX | Rating: 0.0/0
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