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Home » Tutorial » Puremix Geese: Start to finish at Power Station with Andrew Scheps
Puremix Geese: Start to finish at Power Station with Andrew Scheps

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Andrew Scheps met the band “Geese” through a mixing inquiry to his manager. After listening to the material, Andrew knew he wanted to work with the band but received a phone call from the A&R rep shortly after, letting him know the record was going to another mixing engineer. Andrew said, “Not unless it’s Dan Carey!” which… it was.
Fast forward to preparing for his first Start To Finish series on Puremix, Andrew was in charge of selecting the talent and immediately thought of Geese.

After choosing The Power Station at Berklee NYC for the studio, Andrew and the band discussed the project via Zoom. They collectively decided not to let Andrew hear the song before entering the studio: no prep, no preproduction—just raw, in-the-moment creation.

Join Andrew and the band, “Geese” as they enter Power Station at Berklee NYC, one of the world’s most famous recording studios, to record “Islands of Men,” from demo to final production, before heading to Flux Studios NYC for the final mix, capturing the essence of music-making from studio chaos to the finishing touches.
The series will be released in two parts. The first five episodes, available now, take you through the initial stages of recording, filled with studio chaos and creative sparks. Then, anticipate the excitement as we release the final four episodes culminating at Flux Studios NYC for the meticulous final mix.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 106 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Finish, PUREMIX, Andrew, at, Power, Start, Scheps, Station, Geese:, with, to | Rating: 0.0/0
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