PUREMIX Start to Finish Greg Wells Episode 3 Setting Up The Vocal Chain TUTORiAL

Team SYNTHiC4TE | 342.87 MB
Links update: 14/04/2021
After recording and editing the piano for "Lucky Number," Greg continues building the track by having Bryce sing the vocal down to establish the heart of the song.
As Greg stated in Episode 2, nothing is ever truly scratch. With that in mind, Greg searches for the ideal vocal chain to match Bryce’s voice with his vision of the track, nailing the tone now to ensure that anything sang in the scratch recording can be used in the final vocal.
In this video, watch as Greg:
Troubleshoots microphone issues
Talks about recording the vocals for Mika’s hit "Grace Kelly" with Joe Chiccarelli
Breaks down his settings for tracking vocals with an 1176 and an LA-3A
Does a microphone shootout between Sunset Sound's beautiful vintage Neumann U-47, Telefunken 251, and AKG C12 Microphones.
Sculpts the vocal tone with a vintage Pultec EQ
Records Bryce’s vocal
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