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Mercurial Tones Start to Finish Melodic Techno TUTORiAL

Tutorial | 14.4 GB

Start to Finish: Melodic Techno is a comprehensive course that takes you through the entire process of creating a professional, great-sounding melodic techno track from scratch. The course begins by introducing important concepts in melodic techno, after which we will build the foundation of the melodic techno beat.

Gradually, we will add melodies, arpeggios, and improve the harmony as we build the track. Once the basic idea is established, we will focus on arrangement theory and create a modern structure for the track. We will then conclude the track by polishing it and proceed to the mixing and mastering sessions. Furthermore, we will break down two additional hit tracks, "The Tide" and "Wild Heart". If you are looking for a comprehensive melodic techno course, this is the perfect course for you.

41 classes - More than 13 Hours of Video Lectures

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 330 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Mercurial, Techno, Tones, Start, Finish, Melodic, tutorial, to | Rating: 0.0/0
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