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Home » Sound Libraries » Mercurial Tones - Smooth Kicks - Core library extension
Mercurial Tones - Smooth Kicks - Core library extension

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We are delighted to announce the first episode of the Core Extension serie products.

We are extending our core library sample pack with a new benchmark in smooth and silky kicks. Bringing you a comprehensive smooth kick samples, sourced from hardware drum machines to digital synthesizers.

We have total of 280 kicks samples with 40 different timbres. Each timbre has relevant key version where the thumb of the kick kept while the tail; hence, the key of the kick is changed. Thus, giving you a kick sample you like in any key in a blink of an eye.

If you are out for smooth and silky kicks, Mercurial smooth kicks got you covered with this pack.

Exclusive! Only available on MercurialTones.com

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 346 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: kicks, Mercurial, Tones, Smooth, extension, Core, library | Rating: 0.0/0
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