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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Toontrack EZkeys v2.0.0 (Win64)-V.R + Core Library (Win64/macOS)
Toontrack EZkeys v2.0.0 (Win64) + Core Library (Win64/macOS)

Win/macOS | 0.6/2.5 GB

EZkeys 2 is more than a piece of software, it’s a songwriting tool and a creative hub for new ideas. Ready to write, play and create? Meet your new piano player today.

Fully resizable and scalable interface
Bandmate: Get chords and grooves based on your own audio or MIDI
Onboard grid editor with humanization, scale matching, timing features and more
Tap2Find: Get grooves based on the rhythm and notes you input
An all-new grand piano recorded using a wide range of microphones and ambiences
Mix-ready presets for a broad range of styles and sounds
An all-new MIDI library covering different playing styles and music genres
New business model: Software includes core sound library

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 395 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: ToonTrack, (Win64/macOS), v2.0.0, (Win64)-V.R, Core, EZkeys, library | Rating: 0.0/0
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