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LinkedIn Releasing and Promoting Your Music TUTORiAL


One of the biggest issues faced by musical artists is how to get people to hear and purchase their music. Luckily, today’s digital platforms offer a variety of ways to engage with new and longtime fans alike. In this course, music industry stalwart Evan Sutton explains the best practices for self-releasing and promoting your own digital music, with tips to set yourself up for success.

Learn how to prepare a release for online distribution, mastering, file compression, and digital streaming platforms to share your upcoming release. Get industry pointers for building an advertising and social media strategy to support your release, developing promotional campaigns on Facebook and creating content on TikTok, and pitching for playlists to reach a wider audience. Along the way, Evan offers advice on what you can do to maintain your momentum with post-release content that keeps the buzz going for as long as you can.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 235 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Promoting, Music, Releasing, tutorial, your, and, LinkedIn | Rating: 0.0/0
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