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Home » Tutorial » Masterclass Christina Aguilera Elevate Your Singing and Stage Presence TUTORiAL
Masterclass Christina Aguilera Elevate Your Singing and Stage Presence TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 2.33 GB

Perform like a pop star with Grammy Award winner Christina Aguilera. Practice the vocal warm-up she made just for this session, pick the perfect song, and deliver a powerful performance.

Sing a stage-worthy performance
Level up your skills with step-by-step guidance on projects to achieve learnings you're proud of.

Flexible curriculum
We break down the class into manageable activities to do at your own pace.

Feedback & discussions
Access a community of peers to get feedback and be inspired

All levels
This session is approachable for beginners and has advanced techniques for the more experienced.

Skills you will learn

Warm-Up Your Voice
•Learn the Breath of Fire
•Release tension
•Master head and chest voice
•Develop a practice routine

Take the Stage
•Develop your vision
•Add emotion to performances
•Connect with your audience
•Form creative collaborations

Find Your Unique Style
•Experiment with your voice
•Discover your vocal range
•Learn how to riff and phrase
•Interpret your favorite song

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 55 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Elevate, your, tutorial, Masterclass, Stage, and, Singing, christina, Aguilera, Presence | Rating: 0.0/0
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