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Home » MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi » GetGood Drums Modern Metal by Ali Richardson Midi Pack
GetGood Drums Modern Metal by Ali Richardson Midi Pack

Midi | 329 KB

Known for his explosive drumming with both Bleed From Within and Sylosis, Ali Richardson brings all his passion for thrashin' in this incredibly powerful groove pack. A super creative drummer who has it all - groove, power, speed, energy, showmanship, and precision.

Ali's midi groove pack is chock-full of blistering metal grooves, intense double bass, huge stomping choruses, and some of the gnarliest fills we’ve released yet. The perfect complement to One Kit Wonder: Metal, and your next writing session. Get it now, and thrash on to your heart’s content!

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Category: MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi | Views: 510 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: midi, Richardson, Ali, by, pack, GetGood, Drums, Modern, metal | Rating: 0.0/0
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