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Home » MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi » GetGood Drums ANUP Grooves Midi Pack
GetGood Drums ANUP Grooves Midi Pack

Midi | 377 KB

Anup Sastry is one of the most powerful, prolific, and fantastically calculated drummers creating music today. He hits hard, crafts awesome fills, and comes up with grooves that can only be referred to as absolutely "sick"!

We worked with Anup to develop this groove pack which contains over 100 grooves and fills, all composed by the man himself. So now, instead of going out and looking for a drummer like Anup to play on your songs, with this groove pack, Anup actually becomes your drummer.

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Category: MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi | Views: 445 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: pack, midi, ANUP, Grooves, GetGood, Drums | Rating: 0.0/0
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