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Home » MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi » GetGood Drums Halpern Grooves 2 Midi Pack
GetGood Drums Halpern Grooves 2 Midi Pack

Midi | 231 KB

Matt is back with Halpern Grooves 2 and WOOHOO, are we excited!!!! Picking up where he left off with Halpern Grooves 1, Matt jumped back into the studio to lay down some of the most driving, syncopated, and energetic grooves he's ever recorded.

As a co-founder of GetGood Drums and one of our original Groove Pack Signature Artists, Matt has a ton of experience developing foundational grooves to help inspire your creative process, and this new library is jam-packed with all of the groove and fill inspiration you'll need. Grab it up now and get to work!

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Category: MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi | Views: 478 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Grooves, Drums, midi, pack, GetGood, Halpern | Rating: 0.0/0
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