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Dark Magic Samples Brainwashed Techno Vol 3 MULTiFORMAT


'Brainwashed Techno 3' by Dark Magic Samples features another 20 superb Mini Techno Construction Kit Songstarters, including WAV Drums, MIDI files and Presets.

Each Kit contains three folders, Drums, MIDI and Presets plus the mixdown demo. The drums folder consists of a Kick Compressed and not Compressed, several Percussion Loops are belonging to that Kit. The MIDI and Presets folders contain all the MIDI information and Preset files.

For the VST instruments used in this pack please use the currently available version. Please note, if you do not own any of the above VST Instruments, you can still use any virtual instrument of your choice with your own presets to assign the VST instrument to the MIDI files and create your own sound.

Product Details:
- 20 Techno Mini Construction Kits
- 24-Bit
- MIDI Files
- Drum Kick Compressed & Uncompressed
- Several Percussion Variations
- WAV Loops.
- Key & Tempo Labelled
- 49 Spire Presets
- 1 ANA 2 Preset
- 8 Diva Presets
- 5 Hive 2 Presets
- 2 Zebra 2 Presets
- 10 Sylenth Presets
- 100% Royalty-Free

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 261 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Samples, Multiformat, Magic, Techno, vol, Dark, Brainwashed | Rating: 0.0/0
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