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Home » MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi » Dark Magic Samples Techno Room 82 WAV MIDI Spire Serum Sylenth1
Dark Magic Samples Techno Room 82 WAV MIDI Spire Serum Sylenth1

WAV MIDI | 294.0MB

'Techno Room 82' by Dark Magic is a sample pack featuring 20 Mini Techno Construction Kits with drums, MIDI and Presets.

Each kit contains 3 drum folders, MIDI and Presets, plus the mixdown demo for that kit. The drums folder consists of a compressed and uncompressed Kick and several Percussion Loops, the MIDI and Presets folders contain all the MIDI and Presets used in the demo. These Construction Kits will get you going on your next tracks or become a great addition to your current projects.

Product Details:
- 20 Techno Mini Construction Kits
- 40 Kick Loops
- 107 Percussion Loops
- 20 Mixdown Demos
- 82 MIDI Files
- 47 Spire Presets
- 24 Serum Presets
- 11 Sylenth1 Presets
- 126 BPM
- 100% Royalty-Free

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Category: MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi | Views: 454 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Dark, Sylenth1, midi, room, Techno, Samples, Serum, Spire, Magic, 82, wav | Rating: 0.0/0
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