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Home » Sound Libraries » Dark Magic Samples Brainwashed Techno Vol 2 WAV MIDI Spire Sylenth1
Dark Magic Samples Brainwashed Techno Vol 2 WAV MIDI Spire Sylenth1

WAV MIDI | 188.0MB

'Brainwashed Techno 2' by Dark Magic is a pack based on 20 Mini Techno Construction Kits loaded with WAV, MIDI and Presets.

Each kit contains 3 folders loaded with drums, MIDI and Presets, plus a mixdown demo. The drums folder consists of a compressed and uncompressed Kick as well as several percussion loops. The MIDI and Presets folders contain all the MIDI and Preset files needed to recreate the demos.

Product Details:
20 Techno Mini Construction Kits
126 BPM
40 Kick WAV Loops (20 Compressed & 20 Uncompressed)
58 Percussion WAV Loops
20 Mixdown WAV Demos
60 MIDI Files
40 Spire Presets
20 Sylenth1 Presets

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 284 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Brainwashed, vol, wav, Dark, Sylenth1, Magic, Samples, midi, Techno, Spire | Rating: 0.0/0
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