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Home » Tutorial » Critical Approaches to the Production of Music and Sound
Critical Approaches to the Production of Music and Sound

English | 2018 | ISBN: 1501332058 | 289 Pages | PDF | 9 MB

Who produces sound and music? And in what spaces, localities and contexts? As the production of sound and music in the 21st Century converges with multimedia, these questions are critically addressed in this new edited collection by Samantha Bennett and Eliot Bates. Critical Approaches to the Production of Music and Sound features 16 brand new articles by leading thinkers from the fields of music, audio engineering, anthropology and media. Innovative and timely, this collection represents scholars from around the world, revisiting established themes such as record production and the construction of genre with new perspectives, as well as exploring issues in cultural and virtual production.

"Anyone who thinks deeply about the production of sound and music needs this book. This welcome collection of essays ranges widely, breaking through disciplinary barriers and bringing together an exhilarating array of subjects and methodologies. Perhaps most impressively, it combines-and nicely blurs-theory and practice, modeling a vibrant and much-needed dialogue between the two." - Mark Katz, Professor of Music, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

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