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Home » Tutorial » Skillshare Music Theory for a Digital Age, Lesson 1: Approach to the Study of Sound TUTORiAL
Skillshare Music Theory for a Digital Age, Lesson 1: Approach to the Study of Sound TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 2.04 GB

The first of a ten lesson course Music Theory for a Digital Age. Suitable for beginnnerrs, to be able to do the whole course two free software programs will be needed. For details of these see lecture 2: Resources.

This particular lesson Approach to the Study of Sound begins where every music theory course should: with a study of the media through which music works, which is sound. Encouraging you to undertake your own investigation into the nature of sound and its properties, each lecture explores a particular facet of the use of sound in music.. .

Project Description
All assugnments for this class are provided in the form of PDF documents. As you do your assignments please feel free to upload your work to the Project Gallery. As an important part of the assignments is producing a workbook feel free to post pictures of your workbook and the content therein. Some samples from previous students are included with the resources.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 431 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Approach, Music, Sound, to, 1:, for, Lesson, tutorial, Skillshare, study, Age, Theory, the, of, digital | Rating: 0.0/0
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