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Image-Line DrumSynth Live v1.1.19 BUG FIXED-R2R| 1.93 MB

Drumstick Live is an updated version of the popular DrumSynth standalone created by Maxim Digital Audio.

Drum patches to the max

DrumSynth Live features simultaneous support for 24 programmable real-time drum patches, each assigned to a separate key (C4 to B5).

You can morph dynamically from one drum patch to another - just select the patch to morph to and tweak the morph amount wheel.

In DrumSynth Live, sound is created by two noise generators and filtered by bandpass filters with incredible range - you can set anything from a single frequency (sine wave) to full white noise.

Technical Specifications:

Cool interface
Create complete drumtracks in a single channel
Change properties according to the note velocity
'Sends' for your own send tracks

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Category: WiN | Views: 1046 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: FIXED-R2R, DrumSynth, Bug, Image-line, live, v1.1.19 | Rating: 0.0/0
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