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Home » WiN » Image-Line Wasp v2.2.10 BUG FIXED-R2R
Image-Line Wasp v2.2.10 BUG FIXED-R2R
Team R2R | 2012.11.20 | 12.14 MB
Links update: 11/11/2018
The WASP vsti-dxi is best described as a "broad" analogue emulation
synth, which means it can model sounds from a large range of
analog synths such as Moog, Roland and others.
New & experimental sounds are easy to synthesize with this plugin!
2 oscillators with coarse tune, -36/+36 semitones, & fine tune
Oscillator shapes including sawtooth, square, sine & noise 
Sub Oscillator, slaved to Osc1 (one octave below), saw & square shapes
Oscillator Mix slider 
Pulse Width for Osc1 & Osc2 
Frequency Modulation (Osc1>Osc2) 
Ring Modulator (Osc1 x Osc2)
Amplitude envelope (ADSR) which can be linked to Filter ADSR 
Filter envelope (ADSR)
2 LFOs with Pitch, Osc Mix, Cutoff, Amp, PWM targets
Filter section, packed with 6 filters.
Cutoff, Resonance & Filter Envelope Amount adjustable
Distortion section with Drive + Tone Control
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Category: WiN | Views: 1218 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: FIXED-R2R, Bug, Image-line, v2.2.10, Wasp | Rating: 0.0/0
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