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Home » WiN » zplane deCoda v1.1.2 CE
zplane deCoda v1.1.2 CE

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Picking apart and learning a new song is a time-consuming and sometimes difficult process for any musician. Now zplane has combined numerous audio technologies within deCoda to make it easier and quicker to learn and practice new material. deCoda is software designed to help both new and established musicians with learning and practising passages of music.

Using simple drag and drop functionality, deCoda will automatically recognize and map the chords, song structure and tempo. The user can then play through sections at variable tempos starting off slowly and building up speed as proficiency increases. The musical key can also be instantly transposed, pitch changed in both directions by up to an octave and a focus EQ tool can isolate parts of the audio spectrum based on the frequency and panning information.
deCoda Features At A Glance.

• Advanced chord and tempo detection algorithms.
• Flexible looping options.
• Automatic song structure detection - Part A, B C, A2, B2 etc.
• Available on Mac & Windows.
• GUI designed with a touchscreen in mind.
• Instantly transpose to a chosen key.
• Change tempo whilst maintaining the pitch.
• Focus EQ for isolating parts of the track.
• Melody information displayed on a piano roll.
• Exportable MIDI.
• One off low price for a perpetual license.

just updated its acclaimed music learning software deCoda. With version 1.1 musicians can plug in their instrument and play along to the song they are learning. The new plugin support makes it possible to play along through any VST/AU plugin while learning. To get users going quickly, deCoda 1.1 even comes with a special version of IK Multimedia’s Amplitube 4 LE with four extra models.

deCoda was designed to help musicians learn to play new songs.Being able to plug in your instrument and play along with your signature sound makes it so much easier, says Tim Flohrer, CTO and co-owner at zplane.

Built from the ground up as a software tool to help music makers learn new songs, deCoda is a unique software tool. Users can import any audio file and deCoda will tell the key, tempo and chords and identify sections like intro, chorus and verse. Smart tools for looping, isolating individual instruments, tracing and exporting melodies, and adjusting the tempo make it easy to follow along and effortlessly learn difficult passages.

Other new features include the ability to export the chord analysis as MIDI files or in ChordPro format for easy chord sheet creation.
zplane has updated deCoda to version 1.1.2.

•(enh) lead sheet export dialogue remembers its last settings.
•(fix) keyboard shortcuts weren't saved.
•(fix) crash when exporting audio loop.
•(fix) live input plugin was not unloaded when changing project.

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Category: WiN | Views: 379 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v1.1.2, Ce, deCoda, zplane | Rating: 0.0/0
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