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Home » WiN » XILS-lab XILS 505 v1.0.0c FIXED
XILS-lab XILS 505 v1.0.0c FIXED

Team R2R | 17.4MB

Paraphonic Strings, Synthesizer, Bass Synth
It's a String Machine
It's a Synthesizer
It's a Bass Synth
And it can be the three of them simultaneously, which is why the original unit was advertised as 'The Analog Orchestra'

We also added: A Vintage Analog Human Choir Machine (as an alternative oscillator source for the Synthesiser part) and exposed numerous hidden parameters of the vintage String Machine model.

The X-505 offers all the layering and tweaking possibilities of it's glorious ancestor, including it's precious balance between the Strings registers, and precise balance for all the inputs of the quadruple (yes 4) BBD Chorus unit. More : A lot of hidden parameters are now exposed and available to tweak in the different X-505 panels for a much wider sound palette. A juicy sounding analog Phaser and the vintage reverb add to the pile.
FIXED : 32bit binary is not patched as expected.

NKS is not working correctly due to the dev error. Stripped.

* No iLok Driver is required to run.
* Our release loads faster and uses less memory than original.

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Category: WiN | Views: 414 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: XILS, XILS-lab, Fixed, 505, v1.0.0c | Rating: 0.0/0
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