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Home » Mac OSX » XILS-lab XILS 4 v1.0.3 MacOSX FIXED READ NFO

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Links update: 20/06/2021

FIXED : Previous release was not patched correctly and does not load proper
decrypted code as we expected for 32bit version.

We found that XILS4 v1.0.3 for MacOSX is internal beta and very unstable
especially the 32bit version. We included v1.0.2 in this release too and
this is much more stable than v1.0.3.

The XILS 4 emulates a prototype that was never released, the EMS VCS4, based on two integrated, interlinked and interacting VCS 3 ( Synthi) cores. We also coupled them with the famous 256 analog polysequencer

Like the 2nd huge Pin Matrix, and its numerous additional modules :
Envelopes, LFOs, S&H, Voltage Processor, Pitch Tracker, Transient etc. Or the recreation of the unique, powerful 256 analog Polysequencer, intimately tied to the synthesis engines. Add to that the analog Chorus ( 3 modes ) Delay and Phaser, the Spring Reverb, and the picture emerges.

In the XILS 4, you can connect everything with everything, and you get more than 1140 possible different connexions per patch. Did we say at Audio Rate ?

An endless source of inspiration for those who want to go deep into the heart of Analog Modular Synthesis.

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 1152 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: MacOSX, v1.0.3, NFO, Fixed, XILS, READ, XILS-lab | Rating: 0.0/0
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