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Home » Tutorial » Ukulele For Dummies, 3rd Edition (True PDF)
Ukulele For Dummies, 3rd Edition (True PDF)

English | ISBN: 1119736609 | 339 pages | True PDF | 19 MB

Strum a tune on your ukulele—no Hawaiian shirt required!

Picture it now: the sun sets over the shimmering sea, and, as the beach bar falls quiet, you begin strumming Queen Liliuokalani’s “Aloha ‘Oe” to a mesmerized crowd. ... Okay, while this doesn’t happen every day for ukulele-players, you’ll still have a lot of fun learning your favorite tunes on your ukulele. Widely associated with Hawaiian music, the ukulele has exploded in popularity in recent years as kids and adults alike have started their music education with a uke or added it to their collection of instruments.

Learning to play this versatile instrument is made easier for the experience and inexperienced alike with this new edition of Ukulele For Dummies. Following its straightforward instructions, you’ll pick your way from the basics of purchasing your ukulele and accessories to confidently strumming through simple chord progressions and jamming through various styles and standards, including pop, folk, and those much-loved holiday favorites. Aloha, Santa Claus!

• Buy the right ukulele for you
• Perfect your pick and fret
• Practice with downloadable audio
• Get the best ukulele apps

Whatever you want from your ukulele adventure—strumming on the beach or adding its island style to your distinctive new pop sound—Ukulele For Dummies will have you making a big splash with this tiny instrument in aloha no time at all!

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