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UJAM Virtual Drummer PHAT v2.1.0

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Straight From the Street
Virtual Drummer PHAT is a slick and funky Hip-hop operator, producing grooves, fills and breaks straight from the street! Ready at any time to quickly lay down entire beats and rhythms that will make your body move and keep the MC nodding their head.

Make ’em Say Uhh!
Virtual Drummer PHAT is your go-to ace for grooving funky and urban drumming. For all genres from Retro Soul to G-Funk, PHAT adds a smooth rhythm fundament to your production with its wide range of drumming styles and sounds.

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Category: WiN | Views: 382 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Phat, Drummer, UJAM, v2.1.0, Virtual | Rating: 0.0/0
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