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Home » WiN » uJAM Virtual Drummer PHAT v2.0.0.258 CE
uJAM Virtual Drummer PHAT v2.0.0.258 CE

Team V.R | 399.53 MB
Links update: 29/03/2020

Virtual Drummer PHAT is a slick and funky Hip-hop operator, producing grooves, fills and breaks straight from the street! Ready at any time to quickly lay down entire beats and rhythms that will make your body move and keep the MC nodding their head. Perfect for grooving, funky and urban styles, PHAT is the perfect studio companion for music producers of all skill levels.

The very gentle learning curve, a trademark of all UJAM Instruments plug-ins, means beginners and professionals can quickly lay down amazing sounding beats with no previous drumming experience. When you’re happy that the vibe is almost perfect you can fine tune the overall mix. Tweak the performance with individual volume controls for all the different elements of the kit such as kick drum and snare before adding micro timings with simple controls for swing, feel and even how ‘human’ the final performance will sound.

What’s New in Version 2?

•Drag-and-drop phrases to DAW
•Multiple Audio Outputs
•Enhanced Mixer Section
•30 new styles and 150 presets
What’s in There?

•A virtual Hip Hop drummer that follows your direction
•Build your own drum kits with kit editing options
•New Master Section with saturation and maximizer
•Fresh improved look – easy on eyes and brain
•200 presets, 60 musical styles with 1380 different patterns

Make ‘em Say Uhh!
Virtual Drummer PHAT is your go-to ace for grooving funky and urban drumming. For all genres from Retro Soul to G-Funk, PHAT adds a smooth rhythm fundament to your production with its wide range of drumming styles and sounds.


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Category: WiN | Views: 711 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Phat, UJAM, v2.0.0.258, Ce, Virtual, Drummer | Rating: 0.0/0
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