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Udemy Violin Mastery: From Intermediate to Advanced Level (2025) TUTORiAL


So, you’ve got the basics down, you can read sheet music, and now you're ready to step it up? Awesome! But—if you haven't taken my beginner course yet, I highly recommend you check it out first! We cover all the essentials like holding the violin, bowing, music reading, and all those foundational things that will make this course much easier and more fun. You’ll want to have those down before you dive into the good stuff here!

What You’ll Learn:

Major and Minor Scales: Scales might sound like the most boring thing ever, but I promise, they’re your best friend. We’ll master major and minor scales in different keys, and once you get the hang of them, everything else will be a breeze.

Shifting and Positioning: Moving to second and third position? Yes, please! I’ll teach you how to shift smoothly and confidently, opening up a whole new world of notes.

Vibrato: Want to sound like a pro? Vibrato’s the trick! We’ll work on getting that smooth, expressive vibrato that makes your violin sound rich and full of emotion.

Double Stops and Chords: Ever wanted to play two notes at once? We’ll dive into double stops and chords, making your violin sound fuller and more powerful.

Dynamics and Articulations: We’re going beyond just loud and soft. You’ll learn how to control your sound, adding style, feeling, and all the little details that make music come alive.

Fun Repertoire: Forget boring exercises—we’ll tackle six awesome songs that will challenge you and make practising fun!

This course is for you if:

•You’ve already taken my beginner’s course (or you’re comfortable with basic things like reading music, holding the violin, and basic bowing).
•You’re looking to move beyond the basics and dive into intermediate-to-advanced techniques.
•You’re ready to have a blast while improving your playing!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 60 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: From, tutorial, Udemy, (2025), Level, Mastery:, to, Intermediate, Advanced, violin | Rating: 0.0/0
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