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Home » Tutorial » Udemy Learn how to Sing: Advanced Level TUTORiAL
Udemy Learn how to Sing: Advanced Level TUTORiAL


This class is for students that are at an intermediate level, wishing to advance their vocal skills to an advanced level.

This class is for students that are at an advanced level, so be sure to check out my first video class for beginners, and my second video class in this series, for Intermediates, before jumping into this one, just to make it easier for yourself.

This class is great for anyone who wants to learn how to sing skillfully, using correct methods for optimal vocal projection.

This class will also benefit anyone no matter which level of vocal ability you are on.

Even just for better speech, and greater confidence – this class will make learning and grasping these key concepts, enjoyable, easy and fun.

This class is useful in learning the correct methods for singing.

You can also utilize your new found skills in day to day living, because you will build confidence, improve your self esteem, decrease stress levels and feel happier.

All you will need is a notebook, flip file and pen. Class manuals are completely optional.

Class Project/Assignment

Record yourself singing a more difficult song.

Record a 20-30 second audio voice note or video clip of yourself singing a more difficult song.

Feel free to practice and do multiple recordings throughout the class, until you feel satisfied with the final product, then share your best song recording in the project gallery for all of us to enjoy.

Only one song clip per student, not exceeding 30 seconds.

You may use audio or video format, which ever you prefer, as long as it is clear enough for us to hear our beautiful songbirds.

Should you wish to share your works in progress with the class community, feel free to do so, just make sure to let us know it is not yet your final masterpiece.

Remember: Perfection isn’t important, Performance is!

What you'll learn

•In this class, you will learn key skills like training your head voice for singing high notes, building control of your head voice
•Advanced ear training correlating and corresponding to various vocal scales, changes in volume & pitch
•How to do vocal workouts, to keep those vocals strong
•How to sing skillfully, using correct methods for optimal vocal projection

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 328 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Udemy, Learn, Advanced, to, Sing:, How, Level, tutorial | Rating: 0.0/0
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