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Udemy How To Make Money With A Cover Band TUTORiAL

P2P | 06 April 2017 | 1.37 GB

A Conversation With 5x Award Winning, 6 Figure Cover Band From Baltimore, MD - What's Next

This course is an in-depth conversation between bandmate (Michael) and band leader (Maynard) about what makes our band - What's Next - a successful, multi award winning, $100k+ cover band in the Baltimore / DC area.

In this course we dive DEEP into what we have learned works and doesn't work, based on our combined 30 years of playing professionally. We cover all of the topics you'll need to know including:

•Auditing yourself as a musician
•Building / finding a band
•Practicing vs rehearsals
•Playing to the strength of the band
•Set list construction
•Live sound production
•Building your network
•Getting gigs
•Club / venue owners and sound production staff
•Contracts- (Boilerplate Contract INCLUDED)

Please check out the reviews of my other courses and our BIO's for more information about us and What's Next.

Remember, there's a 30 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee as well as a 5 minute free preview. If you've ever been curious about joining a band to make a living or just some extra cash while having a good time, this course will answer all of your questions.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 783 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Make, Udemy, Band, How, Money, to, cover, tutorial, with | Rating: 0.0/0
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