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Home » Tutorial » Udemy How to create a dance track in Cubase with Public Domain TUTORiAL
Udemy How to create a dance track in Cubase with Public Domain TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 1.95 GB

A full music production course is coming from music producer James Allan aka Public Domain. James has been writing and producing music since the 90s. he has also been teaching his skills for the last 25 years and has honed his teaching skills. The upcoming course

Course module 1 will focus on the creation of drums , This course is designed to get you off the starting block with your music production skills. We cover the basic sequencing from kick drum to loops and all the production in between, for example equalisation of the parts to make them all work together seamlessly.

Course module 2 will focus on the bass element of your track. It could be a few layers to achieve the results your looking for or it could simply be a bass guitar to record into your mix. Again all the production techniques to make it work in your mix will be included in the module.

Course module 3. on this module we will look at the first musical components being added to your project, this could be arpeggios to plucks to full on leads or simple incidental sounds to add flavours to your project. Again all the production techniques to make these all work will be included.

Course module 4 The breakdown. In this module we will look at creating a break, so strings ,pads and emotion being added to the track. we also look at building the project back out to your main drop.

Course module 5. The drop. here we focus on that big drop sound. new big lead or synth into the mix again with all the production trimmings to make ir sound big.

Course module 6 Mixing. In this module we look for issues we have missed. This will include the first full play of the project track. Its during this play we listen for things that could be better. its also a good time to add any parts needed to finalise the project before bouncing it to a stereo file.

What you'll learn

•Drum and groove creation
•Mixing and mastering
•Bouncing in the box

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 49 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: to, in, tutorial, Public, Udemy, How, with, Domain, Cubase, Create, Track, Dance | Rating: 0.0/0
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