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Home » Sound Libraries » Touch Loops Touch Elements Lo-Fi Bliss WAV
Touch Loops Touch Elements Lo-Fi Bliss WAV

Team DECiBEL | 221.5MB

Characterful Lo-Fi Samples.
Prepare to enter the world of abstract FX processing, guitar pedal mangling and all out character driven wonderfulness in this epic collection of driven Lo-Fi samples.

VHS Player Inspirations.
Inspired by the sounds and textures of Boards of Canada, this incredibly gritty and saturated set of loops was the result of a long days experimentation. Utilising a batch of modified and abused guitar pedals, excessive resampling plus the use of our trusty VHS player we were able to create something beautifully unique.

Moog Bass Lines.
Think pitch wobbling Rhodes loops, vast harmonic landscapes, eerie twisted vocal loops, pre-amp driven analogue synth leads, Moog heavy bass lines and twisted drum breaks. Making the most of the wow and flutter option we've created something that will allow you to stand apart in a crowd. Embrace thew weird, embrace the random.

Size: 243.9mb
Pack: Loops: 48 & One Shots: 23
Tempos: 100-120bpm
Instruments - Boards of Canada inspired Lo-Fi electronica samples. Analogue synths, processed drum loops.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 527 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Loops, wav, Bliss, elements, Lo-Fi, Touch | Rating: 0.0/0
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