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Touch Loops Lo-Fi Nostalgia WAV MIDI

WAV MIDI | 341.1MB

'Lo-Fi Nostalgia' by Touch Loops digs deep into the ethereal world of ambience, beats and processed Foley. Featuring iconic processed guitar lines and VHS-tinged aesthetic, this Lo-Fi loops pack will enhance any producers sample collection, irrelevant of genre.

Digging through this ambient beauty one thing will stand out and that's the attention to detail. Each loop has been handcrafted, mixed and processed to slot perfectly into your music. No need for mixing or processing, we've done the work for you.

Inside you'll find close and emotional guitar recordings (acoustic and electric), reflective piano loops and chord sequences, processed organic Foley loops, rolling Hip-Hop and Garage inspired beats, plus endless inspiration in the form of delicate synths and samples.

Locking together or working beautifully on their own, each loop has been developed to offer everything you need to get your next song off the ground, enhance a sparse breakdown or form the bedrock of a great verse / chorus.

So, if you're in the mood for something Lo-Fi yet delicate then this one is for you. Beautifully produced and expertly crafted, we just know you're going to love it!

Product Details:
Loops 85-120 BPM:
- Synths & Instruments: 33
- Piano: 12
- FX: 17
- Bass: 22
- Atmos & Foley: 23
- Guitars: 13
- Drums: 49

- Synth & Instrument: 30
- Piano: 11
- Bass: 21

One Shots:
- Drums Extra: 5
- Drums Hats & Percs: 40
- Drums Kicks: 17
- Drums Snares & Claps: 15
- Guitar: 5
- Piano: 6
- Synth & Instruments: 12
- Bass: 20

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 411 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Lo-Fi, midi, Loops, Touch, wav, Nostalgia | Rating: 0.0/0
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