The Producer School Inferno Modern Techno Sample Pack ABLETON SERUM WAV

WAV | 361 MB
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Techno music has never been so vibrant, with a constantly evolving underground culture that’s shaping future generations of producers.
Join the techno revolution today with a sample pack that will set the dancefloor on fire, thanks to an incredible array of handcrafted tools that will add depth and power to your techno tracks.
Everything you'll need to create your next techno hit is right here, from pulsating basslines to almighty kicks, enchanting vocals andcaptivating synth FX. Dive into our deep collection of sounds and explore the darkest side of your creativity.
Inspired by artists like Space 92, Reinier Zonneveld, Charlotte de Witte, HI-LO, Umek, & many more!
What's included INFERNO:
•120+ Serum Presets
•Sample Pack, including: Drums, FX, Fills, Loops, Ambience sounds
•3 Project Files for FL Studio & Ableton
•Bass & Synth Shots
•Synth Loops
•Kick Racks for FL Studio & Ableton Live
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