The Producer School EVO x TPS Destination STMPD Style Pack WAV MiDi Serum Presets Project Files
WAV MiDi Serum Presets Project Files | 666.11 MB
Links update: 09/06/2021
Hard hitting Bass House, uplifting progressive house, or catchy pop, it all gathers on STMPD records. STMPD is found by Martin Garrix in 2016 and the label turned out to be an instant succes.
We teamed up with Evolution of Sounds to provide you with the highest quality STMPD soundset out there. In this pack you will find all the essential samples, presets and more to create a STMPD style banger. Sounds in the pack are inspired by big names like: Julian Jordan, Loopers, TV Noise, Dyro, Todd Helder, Eauxmar, DubVision and many more.
■ 120+ Presets for Serum
■ Sample Pack with Drums, FX, Fills, Reese Fills & more
■ 2 Project Files for FL Studio & Ableton Live
■ 35+ MIDI Files
■ 50 Vocals
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