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Home » Sound Libraries » The Audio Alchemists The Mavrik Ultimate Growl Bass Producer Pack WAV LIVE-DISCOVER
The Audio Alchemists The Mavrik Ultimate Growl Bass Producer Pack WAV LIVE-DISCOVER
DISCOVER | 22-01-2013 | 301.10 MB
Links update: 04/03/2019
'The Mavrik: Ultimate Growl Bass Producer Pack' is the hottest new growl pack on the market! Get your growls and subs to sound just like the pros! This producer pack includes, 14 processed growls, eight one-shot bass samples, four single shot drum samples and two full Demo loops broken down into parts.
Inside the Ableton Live session there are, six growl racks, fully mapped and ready for use. The sub rack, plus six additional growl racks are processed with Ohm Force: Ohmicide and Sugar Bytes' Wow Filter.
It also includes a look into a mix set up, including plug-in settings for the Multiband Compressor and EQ8.
Please Note:
The Ableton Live session requires version 8.1 and for the most flexibility Ohmicide and the Wow Filter are recommended. For PC users, snapshots of the presets are in the .zip folder.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 1317 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: the, Growl, Bass, Alchemists, Audio, Mavrik, Ultimate, producer, pack | Rating: 0.0/0
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